With the rapid development of drainage ditch mold, in order to meet the higher market demand, as a drainage ditch mold manufacturer, only by strengthening the weak link of drainage ditch mold production can we promote the drainage ditch mold to achieve a new breakthrough in the future mold market With the continuous development of new high-tech products and the continuous improvement of production environment, there is a lot of room for the development of mold production. Enterprises can adopt new equipment and technology, develop advanced metallurgical methods and processes, produce high-purity high-quality steel, increase the high uniformity of molds, develop and provide finished and high-quality molds, improve market competitiveness and seize market opportunities
From the current construction of farmland basic water conservancy projects, most of the concrete canals are manually prefabricated with molds, which can ensure the appearance and the service life of concrete products. Most of the precast blocks of the canal are 2 meters long, so most of them are in the form of flat formwork. It is necessary to drive hoisting holes into the concrete, use cranes or forklifts, and hoist them out after the concrete is solidified. Although this production method is time-consuming, it is very important for the quality assurance of precast blocks. Generally, the prefabrication time is controlled at 10 hours. If the time is short, the concrete will not solidify well, and if the time is long, the excessive solidification is not conducive to demoulding. At present, 400*400, 600*600, 800*800 and 1000*1000mm are used for the mold, and the wall thickness changes with different inner diameter.
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